Rendering the Feathers and Eyes in the bird rig

How to fix existing .blend files that use the bird rig, but don't render with the feathers or the eyes showing properly:

If you want to make sure that the bird rig renders the feathers and the eyes properly, the objects have to be made visible. To do this:

  1. Select all THREE feathers in object mode (those feathers that are in the front of the bird rig)
  2. Select the "material" view in the Properties panel - that same set where you can change the color of an object.
  3. Find the "Transparency" controls
  4. Set the value of Alpha to 1.0000

Do the same thing for the eyeballs by select one of the eyeballs in object mode, go to the Materials properties and select the bird_eye_ref.001 to change the transparency of the iris so that it shows up, and then select the bird_eye_ref.002 to change the transparency of the pupil.

NOTE: If you want to change the color of the iris (bird_eye_ref.001) - for instance, to make them crazy bright red! - you can do it the same way you change the color of any object with the Diffuse panel.

Margo Burns
July 29, 2012

Blender version 2.63